Invited Presentations/Conferences Organized (2023~)
Diffusion models and the space of probability measures
Seminar, Department of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Dec 4, 2024Optimization in the space of probability measures
CSE/GSAI Seminar, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea, Nov 27, 2024A fully first-order method for stochastic bilevel optimization
Korean Artificial Intelligence Association Fall Meeting, Nov 22, 2024Long-time behavior of area-preserving mean curvature flow in two dimensions
Korean-Japanese workshop on elliptic and parabolic equations, Nov 15-16, 2024Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Posco Science Fellowship Annual Workshop, Nov 15, 2024 (as an organizer)A fully first-order method for stochastic bilevel optimization
KIAS Center for AI and Natural Sciences 2024 Fall Workshop, Nov 5-8, 2024 (as an organizer) [Website]De Giorgi's minimizing movements, optimal transport, and bilevel optimization
Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University, Oct 30, 2024A fully first-order method for stochastic bilevel optimization
KMS Fall Meeting, Republic of Korea, Oct 25, 2024Long-time behavior of area-preserving mean curvature flow in two dimensions
KMS Fall Meeting, Republic of Korea, Oct 25, 2024Applications of Optimal Transport in Machine Learning
Seminar, Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Sep 27, 2024Applications of Optimal Transport in Machine Learning
Colloquium, Incheon National University, Songdo, Republic of Korea, Sep 12, 2024Long-time behavior of area-preserving mean curvature flow in two dimensions
CM2LA 1st Anniversary Workshop, Busan, Republic of Korea, Jun 22-23, 2024Applications of Optimal Transport in Machine Learning
Colloquium, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Jun 14, 2024De Giorgi's Minimizing Movements
Colloquium, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea, May 3, 2024De Giorgi's Minimizing Movements
Invited Lecture, KMS Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Apr 19-20, 2024Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
SAARC Colloquium & PDE Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Apr 9, 2024Applications of De Giorgi's Minimizing Movements and Optimal Transport
BK Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Mar 14, 2024Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
PDE-Probability Workshop, Sejong, Republic of Korea, Mar 8 - 9, 2024 [Link]Applications of De Giorgi's Minimizing Movements and Optimal Transport
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, December 1, 2023 [Abstract]
De Giorgi's minimizing movements and applications of optimal transport
KIAS Center for AI and Natural Sciences Workshop, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, November 24, 2023Applications of Optimal Transport in Machine Learning
KSIAM Annual Meeting, Special Session: KAIA-KSIAM Joint Session on Mathematical Understanding of AI, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, November 3Convergence of score-based generative modeling and related problems
KIAS - Hanyang University AI Summer School, Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 1Long-time behavior of area preserving mean curvature flow in two dimensions
KMS Fall Meeting, Special Session on Curvature Functional and Scalar Curvature, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 28, 2023Viscosity solutions and their applications to level-set mean curvature flow equation
KMS Fall Meeting, Focus Session on Regularity Theory on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation in Honor of Luis Caffarelli’s Contribution, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 27, 2023Applications of Optimal Transport in Machine Learning
BK Seminar, Department of Applied Statistics and Data Science, Yonsei University, October 18, 2023De Giorgi's minimizing movements and applications of optimal transport
Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 12, 2023Applications of Optimal Transport to Generative Models
Colloquium, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Pangyo, Republic of Korea, September 21, 2023De Giorgi's minimizing movements to gradient flows in the space of sets
3-hour Intensive lectures, 2023 Summer PDE Workshop, UNIST, Ulsan, Republic of Korea, August 16-17, 2023A fully first-order method for stochastic bilevel optimization
Oral & Poster, Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 26-27, 2023Complexity of block coordinate descent with proximal regularization and applications to Wasserstein CP-dictionary learning
Poster, Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 25, 2023Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Workshop on Quantum Analysis 2023, Sokcho, Republic of Korea, July 10, 2023 [Slides] [Website]De Giorgi's minimizing movements and applications of optimal transport
CM2LA (SRC) Inaugural Workshop, Busan, Republic of Korea, June 22, 2023Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 15, 2023An overview of score-based generative modeling and the associated PDEs
Machine Learning and PDE Seminar, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea, June 8, 2023 [Website]An overview of score-based generative modeling and the associated PDEs
Dongguk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 25, 2023De Giorgi's minimizing movements to gradient flows in the space of sets
Madison Workshop in PDE, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, May 15, 2023 [Website, Poster]Additive eigenvalues of superquadratic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with changing domains
KMS Spring Meeting, April 28, 2023Convergence of score-based generative modeling and related problems
KIAS AI Center Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 19, 2023 [Website]
From De Giorgi's minimizing movements to gradient flows
Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 14, 2023 [Website]Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea, April 6, 2023Convergence of score-based generative modeling and related problems
Math Machine Learning seminar MPI MiS + UCLA, Mar 23, 2023 (online)An overview of score-based generative modeling and the associated PDEs
KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Mar 22, 2023Level-set forced mean curvature flow with the Neumann boundary condition
Asia-Pacific Analysis and PDE seminar, Mar 13, 2023 [Website, Video] (online) [Slides]Level-set forced mean curvature flow with the Neumann boundary condition
KIAS Geometry Winter School, Republic of Korea, Feb 6, 2023 [Website]Level-set forced mean curvature flow with the Neumann boundary condition
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminars, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, United States, January 13, 2023 [Website]
Math Outreach
Presentation & Panel, KAOS Lecture Series, Fall 2024 [Media 1] [Media 2] [Media 3]
Talk Show, Workshop for Young Mathematicians in Korea, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Aug 13, 2024 [Link]
Invited Presentations (Before 2023)
Score-based generative modeling secretly minimizes the Wasserstein distance
Poster, Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), New Orleans, United States, Nov 28 - Dec 4, 2022Convergence of score-based generative modeling and related problems
MLOPT Idea Seminar, UW-Madison, Wisconsin, United States, November 11, 2022 [Website, Video]Gradient flows of non-differentiable energy functionals
PIMS- IFDS- NSF Summer School on Optimal Transport, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States, June 30, 2022Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, May 31, 2022Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, May 30, 2022Minimization of the Wasserstein distance in score-based generative modeling
Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS) Ideas forum, UW-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, April 11, 2022Plenary Talk, Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Midwest Geometry Conference, Wichita State University, Kansas, United States, March 12, 2022 [Website] [Poster] [Handout] [Keynote]Training Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks without gradient penalties
KIAS AI Center Seminar, KIAS, Republic of Korea, March 10, 2022 (online) [Website, Video]Degenerate parabolic equations with discontinuous diffusion intensities
Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, February 9, 2022 (online)Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, January 7, 2022 [Slides]Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint
Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, January 7, 2022 [Slides]Volume-preserving crystalline mean curvature flow
the 17th Prairie Analysis Seminar, Kansas State University, Kansas, United States, November 11, 2021 (online) [Slides]Training Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks without gradient penalties
Dynamics and Discretization: PDEs, Sampling, and Optimization, Geometric Methods in Sampling and Optimization, the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing in Berkeley, California, United States, October 25, 2021 [Slides] [Video] [Website]Volume preserving crystalline and anisotropic mean curvature flow
PDE Geometric Analysis seminar, UW-Madison, United States, Sep 27, 2021 [Slides] [Abstract]
Volume preserving mean curvature flow for star-shaped sets
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, California, United States, December 11, 2019 [Slides] [Video1 Video2 Video3 (Thanks to Matt Jacobs)]Degenerate nonlinear parabolic equations with discontinuous diffusion coefficients
The Level Set Collective, UCLA, United States, November 5, 2019 [Slides] [Abstract]
Volume preserving mean curvature flow for star-shaped sets
Applied Math and Analysis Seminar, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States, July 30, 2019 [Slides] [Abstract]
Nonlinear diffusion equations with discontinuous nonlinearities
People in Optimal Transportation and Applications, Cortona, Italy, June 25, 2019 [Slides] [Abstract] [Website]
Volume preserving mean curvature flow for star-shaped sets
Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium, California Institute of Technology, Los Angeles, California, United States, April 27, 2019 [Slides] [Abstract] [Website]
Global-time behavior of volume preserving mean curvature flow for star-shaped sets
AMS Spring Central and Western Joint Sectional Meeting, Special Session on New Trends in Geometric Measure Theory, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, United States, March 24, 2019 [Website] [Slides] [Abstract]
Analysis of mean curvature flow with a forcing term
AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Particle Methods and Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations, University of California, Riverside, CA, United States, November 5, 2017 [Website] [Abstract]
Existence and long-time behavior of normalized mean curvature flow
Analysis Seminar, Kanazawa University, Japan, March 7, 2016 [Website]Stability of normalized mean curvature flow
11th KIAS Geometry Winter School, Republic of Korea, January 24, 2016 [Abstract]
The effect of starvation driven diffusion in a prey-predator model
2015 KAIST CMC Mathematical Biology Conference, KAIST, Republic of Korea, June 9, 2015 [Website]
Seminar Talks
Wasserstein gradient flows of non-differentiable energy functionals
PDE Reading Seminar, UW-Madison, Wisconsin, United States, April 22, April 29, May 6 & May 10, 2022Training Wasserstein GANs without gradient penalties
UW-Madison, United States, September 22, 2021Volume-preserving crystalline mean curvature flow
PDE Reading Seminar, UW-Madison, United States, April 6, 13 and 20, 2021 [Note 1] [Note 2] [Note 3]
Volume preserving mean curvature flow
PDE Reading Seminar, UW-Madison, United States, Sep 21, 2020Geometric properties of mean curvature flows
UCLA Participating Analysis Seminar, United States, April 23, 2019 [Notes [Abstract]
Existence of volume preserving mean curvature flows
UCLA Participating Analysis Seminar, United States, April 16, 2019 [Notes] [Abstract]
Global-time behavior of volume preserving mean curvature flow for star-shaped sets
UCLA Participating Analysis Seminar, United States, March 12, 2019 [Notes] [Abstract]
Differentiability with respect to the measure in the first order master equation
UCLA Participating Applied Mathematics Seminar: Introduction to Mean Field Games, United States, November 21, 2016Free boundary interpretation for starvation driven diffusion
Mathematical Biology Seminar, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Republic of Korea, January 12, 2016Rearrangement inequality
UCLA Participating Applied Mathematics Seminar: Inequalities and PDEs, United States, April 22, 2013Rearrangement inequality
UCLA Participating Applied Mathematics Seminar: Inequalities and PDEs, United States, April 15, 2013