Teaching at the University of Seoul (Instructor)
Fall 2024: Mathematical Optimization
Fall 2024: Applied Differential Equations
Spring 2024: Topics in Advanced Analysis
Spring 2024: Ordinary Differential Equations
Fall 2023: Mathematical Optimization
Fall 2023: Applied Differential Equations
Spring 2023: Calculus 1
Spring 2023: Ordinary Differential Equations
Teaching at UW-Madison (Instructor)
Fall 2022: Math 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Spring 2022: Math 519 - Ordinary Differential Equations
Spring 2022: Math 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Fall 2021: Math 340 - Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra
Summer 2021: Math 699 - Directed Study
Spring 2021: Math 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Spring 2021: Math 699 - Directed Study
Fall 2020: Math 475 - Introduction to Combinatorics
Teaching at UCLA (Teaching Assistant)
Spring 2020: Math 164 - Optimization
Winter 2020: Math 266B - Applied Partial Differential Equations
Spring 2019: Math 134 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
Winter 2019: Math 266B - Applied Partial Differential Equations
Fall 2018: Math 134 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
Spring 2018: Math 131BH - Analysis (Honors)
Winter 2018: Math 266B - Applied Partial Differential Equations
Fall 2017: Math 266A - Applied Ordinary Differential Equations
Spring 2017: Math 134 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
Winter 2017: Math 266B - Applied Partial Differential Equations
Fall 2016: Math 3C - Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra for Life Sciences Students
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